Sept 1st, 2020—Wisdom Labs announces the return of their 30-Day Mindfulness Challenge. This October, Wisdom Labs is once again partnering with LinkedIn to promote mindfulness practice all across the corporate world with our #MonthofMindfulness challenge. Entitled “Building Resilience and Belonging in a Time of Instability,” the challenge has the intention of facilitating more than 1 million minutes of mindfulness practice in October of 2020. [Update: Read how 85 participating organizations raised wellbeing across 3 employee wellness categories]
Building Wiser Workplaces
In 2019, Wisdom Labs hosted a month-long mindfulness program for LinkedIn’s employees—encouraging their employees to each complete 20 or more mindfulness practices over the course of 30 days. The result of the challenge was a total of 180,000+ mindfulness minutes logged by LinkedIn employees on the Wise@Work App. An existing customer of Wisdom Labs’s Wise@Work products, LinkedIn’s employees recorded a 20x increase in usage of the Wise@Work App during their mindfulness challenge, and subsequently, a 5x increase in Wise@Work App usage following the program’s conclusion.
In order to bring the challenge to new heights, Wisdom Labs has once again teamed up with LinkedIn to provide a free 30-Day Mindfulness Challenge for companies across the globe looking to scale mindfulness practice within their teams. HR, Talent, People, and Culture leaders are encouraged to enroll in the free program which offers their entire company access to the Wise@Work App and a series of live webinars with iconic mindfulness teachers throughout the month, including Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.
What's in it for Companies?
Mindfulness practice is like going to the gym—it's one thing to have the membership, and another thing to actually use it. This is why Wisdom Labs has gone beyond the conventions of typical mindfulness apps to create a community-focused experience, introducing engaging elements like an Internal Leaderboard and prizes to encourage a bit of competition and drive engagement. The ultimate goal of the challenge is to produce sustainable behavior change inside participating organizations, helping employees form their own mindfulness habits as a result of regular practice.
Individual participants are treated to an easy-to-use app experience that will automatically track their progress as they work to record 20 or more practice sessions during the month. Challenge Leaders (those who host a Challenge to their company) will have access to an Engagement Dashboard that provides insight into how their team uses the app, as well as the ability to generate a list of participants who completed the challenge.
Introducing New Mindfulness Content
The 30-Day Challenge also coincides with the arrival of new resilience content from Tara Brach on the Wise@Work product suite—which features both the Wise@Work mobile app and flagship peer-to-peer learning solution, Wise@Work Communities. Tara's 7-part series, Emotional Resilience with RAIN, focuses on applying the RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) technique to workplace situations. The sessions are now available on the Wise@Work App and Wise@Work Communities platform.
How to Get Started
If you’re an internal leader looking to inspire your colleagues to practice mindfulness, while building their stress resilience and fostering community, we invite you to get involved with our next free mindfulness challenge!